Insurance is the best way to guard against the terrible effects of an unexpected event. As a result of this, there are tons of insurance policies available for each aspect of human life. Credit Life insurance, however, is peculiar. Unlike other policies that often cover damages or loss to a property, it covers debts. What […]
Life Insurance
Importance of Group Life to an Association
A group life insurance is a contract that protects the members of a particular group such as employees, members of a club or association. This insurance plan provides financial compensation in the event of the death of a member of the group. As the leader of an association, you’re accountable for its members. Some associations […]
Top Life Insurance Companies in Nigeria
Today is another exciting day in my lecture hall! Topic of the day? Top Life Insurance companies in Nigeria. Without further ado, here are the top life insurance companies in Nigeria that you can walk into anytime: 1. AXA Mansard Life Insurance AXA Mansard Life Insurance is one of the most popular life insurance companies […]